Cultivating Delight Following Sexual Harm
to May 8

Cultivating Delight Following Sexual Harm


We’ll access our sensual selves with slow, restful pleasure; find resonance and comfort in song; infuse the waters of our bodies with herbal nourishing teas; and cultivate intimacy through candlelit connection and deep care.

The focus of this class will be on gentle nourishment, joy, and togetherness; we’ll discover that these qualities can help move us toward healing. Rather than focusing on sexual harm, we’ll focus on the true warmth and delight our bodies hold.

We'll learn about the sexual body in depth, breadth, and wonder. We'll bring life into parts of our sexual selves that may have felt quieted or shut-down in protective responsive to past harm.

While there will be lots of anatomical learning, there will be no sexual touch. Not ever.

We'll grow in closeness. We'll very likely look forward to seeing each other each month, and miss each other in-between classes!

Who is this class for? Women and non-binary folks (ages 20+) who have experienced sexual harm. Intergenerational community is very, very healing.

*Isa will call each person who registers for class to answer your questions and to make sure this class feels right for you. *


We’ll meet in-person at Isa’s home in Kingston, N.Y., with the address sent after registration.

Dates + Time

We'll meet once-a-month for 8 months, in-person, on Thursday evenings, 5:30pm - 7:30pm (If it's better for us to meet from 5:00 - 7:00 pm, we'll shift!), beginning Thursday October 10th, 2024 and ending Thursday May 8th, 2025. Dates include Oct 10, Nov 7, Dec 12, Jan 9, Feb 6, Mar 6, Apr 10, and May 8. *Depending on how this fall and winter develop, we make ask you to take a Covid-19 test before coming to class each week!

Registration & Cost

The workshop costs $50 each session; you'll have the option to pay for the entire course at once, $400, or to pay per session. You are welcome to pay more! The fee includes all the supplies we'll use, tea, and something yummy we'll eat together. A committment to attending the whole course is required, as is a phone conversation to make sure this class is just-right for you.

Our maximum number of students is 8. We want this class to be small and powerful. You can look forward to meeting some very special people.

Photo of Isa, taken by Gretchen Wall

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Sex Ed for Adults – Quiet. Breathe. – Fall 2024 through Fall 2025
to Dec 8

Sex Ed for Adults – Quiet. Breathe. – Fall 2024 through Fall 2025

WiseBodies – Fall 2022 & Spring 2023 Adult Sex Ed


This is the sex ed class for which your whole body - including your heart, your mind, and your soul - may be longing.

Throughout this 12 month class, we’ll move slowly toward developing a deeper erotic, a deeper sexual, self-knowledge. We’ll move slowly toward developing a more profound way of communicating with our own erotic selves, and with the erotic selves of others.

We’ll steadily create a trusted learning community within which we’ll work. This learning community might include strangers who will become close companions on our journey. It might include a lover. It might include a friend.

We’ll learn about our bodies. We’ll learn from our bodies.

We’ll learn about each other’s bodies. We’ll learn from each other’s bodies.

This class will be gentle, will move slowly, and often will be quiet. We’ll spend time listening, resting, sharing, moving, writing, and doing.

Some of what we’ll be doing will include deep learning about the anatomy of our sexual bodies. While we work, we’ll look for insight into possible pathways between our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. What we discover about our sexual bodies may be surprising.

This journey can be transformative.

This class may become important to you; it may become profoundly important.

Dates + Time

We meet the 2nd Monday of each month for one year, beginning in December of 2024 and ending in November of 2025.
7:00 - 9:00pm ET, via Zoom

Fall Semester 2024
Dec 9

Spring Semester 2025
Jan 13, Feb 10, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, Aug 11, Sept 8, Oct 13, Nov 10

Registration & Cost

Registration will close at 12 students. All adults (21+) are welcome. If you, like me, get anxious about being in class with folks who are different, maybe try it on. I've been trying it on, and am grateful for what I'm learning, and how I'm changing and growing.

$50 - $75 is the sliding scale per class, or $550 - $850 if paid in full before class begins, which offers a $50 discount. Partial scholarships will be available, depending on enrollment, with priority given to LGBTQ + Black, Indigenous and People of the Global Majority.
Some of the income will be shared with other organizations doing the esential work of now.

Materials A supplies list will be sent after registration. Total cost of supplies will be about $25.

Teacher: Isa Coffey

I’ve taught sex ed for decades, in many forms and in many venues. Recently, I’ve found myself curious about what we can learn about our sexual selves when we get very quiet; when we listen to, discover, and share the intimate stories of our bodies; when we have the chance to learn within trusted community; when we have the chance to remember and honor our past; when we develop pathways, including in the imaginal realm, for growing up and out from those deep, foundational places; when we give ourselves time to go slowly; when we are held with kindness and steadiness for the journey.

WiseBodies, Isa Coffey, Founder

Photo by Katherine Ferrier

Questions I’m holding, listening to:

  • Is it possible to leave behind the common forms we have for sex ed, the ways and topics we expect to learn, in order to find something new, maybe unexpected, maybe more central to our sexual selves?
  • What can happen when we develop enough trust within a community of learners to reveal ourselves, and to listen to the revealed stories of others?
  • Can we allow the richness of our shared stories to help guide us?
  • What might surprise us when we have the chance to deeply explore our—whole—physical bodies?
  • Is there a sexual soul? What might it have to teach us?
  • What happens when we become our own sexual wise elder?
  • What happens when, as a group, we become our collective sexual wise elder?
  • What is sex, really? How might sex guide us in ways that may be important for our wholeness?
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Sensual Body Winter Workshop for Women 49 and Older
to Apr 12

Sensual Body Winter Workshop for Women 49 and Older


This will be a sweet way to travel our perfect and perfectly-aging bodies together through this-coming winter.

We’ll describe experiences we’re having as our whole sexual bodies grow older and older; it will be good to find shared space, and also to learn what’s different.

We’ll make things with our hands, and learn how to use them, including aphrodisiac teas, drinks, and baths; breast/chest balms; lubricants for internal touch; and erotic massage oils.

We’ll learn the art of breast/chest self massage.

We’ll practice consensual, sensual touch, including our feet and hands.

We’ll explore how we can use water in baths, teas, and soaks, for nourishment.

We’ll explore pelvic-steaming with sweet herbal infusions.

We’ll develop skills for becoming more empowered in the rooms in which we receive pelvic care.

We’ll focus on our growing powers, including what we’re noticing; what we have in-common, what our shared commons hold.

We’ll strategize ways we can together make up for our culture’s lack of recognition of us, in our time of power.

We’ll sing, rest, get really quiet. Together.

Class Leader

About Isa: I’ve taught sex ed for decades, in many forms and in many venues. Recently, I’ve found myself curious about what we can learn about our sexual selves when we get very quiet; when we listen to, discover, and share the intimate stories of our bodies; when we have the chance to learn within trusted community; when we have the chance to remember and honor our past; when we develop pathways, including in the imaginal realm, for growing up and out from those deep, foundational places; when we give ourselves time to go slowly; when we are held with kindness and steadiness for the journey.


We’ll meet in-person at Isa’s home in Kingston, N.Y., with the address sent after registration.

Dates + Time

We’ll meet on the second Saturday afternoon of the month, December 2024 - April 2025, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. The dates include Dec 14, Jan 11, Feb 8, Mar 8, and April 12th (Passover begins at sunset; we’ll end with enough time to get you home, or stay for lighting our first candle!)

Registration + Cost

This workshop costs $100 a session, for a total of $500. This amount can be paid all at once, or monthly. A committment to the entire 5 months is required. Our class includes all the supplies we'll work with, and a delicious lunch we'll eat together. Our day will have a pretty delicious spa feeling, with the addition of really remarkable women you'll get to hang out with and get to know, and the addition of normalizing accessing what usually is kept behind closed, private doors. It's really special, unusual, and yummy. Truly. Be in touch with your questions: You must register for this class!

Photo of Isa taken by Katherine Ferrier

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Men Teach Sex Ed: Build a Culture of Respect - Fall 2025
to Oct 1

Men Teach Sex Ed: Build a Culture of Respect - Fall 2025


WiseBodies is going to run a test project to see if it’s possible to decrease sexual violence in our small, local communities by having WiseBodies’ trained sex educators - all men (trans and cis) - learn how to teach boys, teen boys, and men WiseBodies whole sexuality education. We'll place our students and our graduates in local schools, community centers, community programs, and at WiseBodies, where they'll offer what has not been offered before: WiseBodies whole sexuality education for boys and men, taught by men. Over time we'll see if this helps reduce sexual violence within our communities.

We understand this is as a long-term project.

We understand having men take on the responsibility for decreasing sexual violence by becoming sex ed teachers may be a new concept.

We understand that girls and women always have bourne the brunt of sexual violence. We understand that girls and women also always have bourne the responsibility for preventing sexual violence. Imagine with us the possibility of changing this, of having men take on the responsibility for ending sexual violence.

We hope you'll join us in this endeavor. This could include signing up to be a student, donating money for this project, and also simply sending us letters of support. We'd love to know our community is with us as we take this on!



We’ll meet weekly via zoom and once-a-month in-person (Kingston, N.Y.).

Dates + Time

This course is a two-year program. The first year includes classroom learning, the second year includes supervised teaching in educational settings.

A pre-admittance interview is required.

Transmen and cis men welcome, of course.

Registration + Cost

We're working on this.

Some of the income WiseBodies receives from tuition will go to a kid, teen, or adult who's been raped, for their on-going care.

Max 6 - 8 students.

If you find you're curious to know more, or are interested in joining us, be in touch by email to wisebodies@wisebodies. org. We'll look forward to hearing from you.


Class will be taught by Isa, who is skilled with the chop saw, and very skilled at teaching whole sex ed.

Isa has taught sex ed for decades, in many forms and in many venues. Recently, she's found herself curious about what we can learn about our sexual selves when we get very quiet; when we listen to, discover, and share the intimate stories of our bodies; when we have the chance to learn within trusted community; when we have the chance to remember and honor our past; when we develop pathways, including in the imaginal realm, for growing up and out from those deep, foundational places; when we give ourselves time to go slowly; when we are held with kindness and steadiness for the journey.

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Going Beyond Gynecology - Fall 2023/Spring 2024
to Apr 27

Going Beyond Gynecology - Fall 2023/Spring 2024


Let’s Talk/Share/Improve Our Gyn Experiences We are going beyond self-help — We’ll build comfort and agency when going to our gynecologic appointments. We’ll have clear goals to spread the knowledge we learn and help teach our practitioners so that more of us can have better, safer experiences – centered around our needs – with the doctors who care for us.

Who’s invited? Anyone and everyone who sees a gynecologist.

What is this? In this six-part gathering, with long-term follow-up, we will

  • get to know each other
  • talk about the experiences we’ve had with our gynecologists
  • imagine how we’d like our visits to feel and to be
  • develop the skills we need to make visits feel how we’d like
  • practice draping and not draping
  • experience what it’s like to bring a friend
  • work with mirrors
  • become experts with speculums
  • practice teaching our practitioners to treat us beautifully

We can help our practitioners learn another way to be with us. We’ll teach ourselves first. Over our months together, we’ll report back, get better at it, and start teaching others.

The story I hear most often about gynecological visits is something like:
"I was alone in the room; I was draped; the doctor looked at my body from the other side of the drape; I couldn’t see the parts of my body they were looking at; stuff was done to my body; I was not asked to participate in any way; I left feeling kinda empty; I left feeling disconnected from my own body; I didn’t learn more about my body; no anatomical parts were mentioned, or taught."

Note: Deirdre Cooper Owens wrote Medical Bondage: Race, Gender, and the Origins of American Gynecology. Go ahead and order it. We’ll read and discuss, and see how we can start undoing this racist/misogynist healthcare system under which everyone suffers, including our practitioners.

Class Leaders

Isa Coffey, RN Founder/Director WiseBodies + Guest educators with expertise in the pelvis, movement, healing, plant medicine, body politic, and music will be joining us.

Isa Coffey, RN, has been developing and teaching her own sex ed curriculum for decades, and has the skills and experience. She founded WiseBodies 13 years ago, and has been directing it since. She’s been a labor & delivery nurse; a homebirth doula; worked for years in 3 women’s health clinics, including the cervical cap fitting site she co-founded; has taught sex ed in high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools; is an herbalist and a gardener. It turns out this is a perfect set of skills to teach this class.

Dates + Time

Dates & Time: October 2023 - April 2024
Second Tuesdays: Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12, Jan 9, Feb 13, Mar 12, Apr 9, 6:00 - 8:00pm

Hoping we can meet in-person, but we'll use zoom if necessary. If in-person we'll do potluck dinners and eat together!

Registration & Cost

Cost: Suggested donation of $20–$80 per evening, which will be gifted to and

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ROOT Class – Summer/Fall 2022 | For Adults
to Jul 24

ROOT Class – Summer/Fall 2022 | For Adults

WiseBodies ROOT Class June 2022


This class moves slowly and surely through the foundations of whole sexuality. Most of us have not grown up having the chance to really learn about our sexual selves. This 4 weekend workshop is a chance to make up for this.

In this four-weekend intensive, students learn deeply about their sexual bodies; have an opportunity to gain ease with talking about anything and everything sexual; gain fluidity with sexual anatomy; learn some basics for making and using herbal preparations that can help nourish and strengthen the sexual body; practice exploring sensual healing self-massage; gain the practice of herbal pelvic bathing; and much, much more.

This course is foundational for adult women (Cis and trans. Non-binary folks who are interested, please email to see if this class would be a cozy place for you.) to learn about our whole sexual bodies. It's profound. We go deep. Plants, writing, and movement are included. We'll meet via zoom unless we happen to be close enough to meet in person.


Taught by Isa Coffey, RN; Director, WiseBodies

Dates + Time

Summer/Fall 2022
Weekends: June 24 - 26, July 22- 24
Includes Friday evenings, all day Saturdays, and Sunday afternoons

Registration & Cost

Sliding Scale; Partial scholarships available depending on enrollment, priority given to LGBTQ + Black, Indigenous and People of the Global Majority. Payment plans available.

Materials Participants will be responsible for the purchase of the plant material (all readily available materials, costing approximately $25) we’ll use for pelvic soaks. List given following registration.

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Parent's Class | For Parent's of WiseBodies Kids & Teens
to Jun 30

Parent's Class | For Parent's of WiseBodies Kids & Teens

WiseBodies Parent's Class June 2022


In Parent's Class we'll teach you what you haven't had the chance to learn, and also help you be more prepared to guide your kids. We recommend this for all parents. We'll meet via zoom, unless it turns out we're close enough to meet in person. This class is for parents of WiseBodies kids and teens.


Isa Coffey

Date + Time

June 2022
Thursdays in June: June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
6:30 - 8:30 pm, Eastern Standard Time, US
(We'll move this 1/2 hour later if better for parents)

Registration + Cost

$210 - $490

NOTE: Only one class fee required per family. Both parents or guardians of a WiseBodies student can attend for one fee.

Sliding Scale; Partial scholarships available depending on enrollment, priority given to LGBTQ + Black, Indigenous and People of the Global Majority. Payment plans available.

Email for more info.

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A Clearing | For Cis Men 25-45
7:00 PM19:00

A Clearing | For Cis Men 25-45



An open invitation to cis men for a conversation on whole being sexuality. We will offer a little bit of anatomy, some gentle movement, and an open and nurturing space to share experiences, curiosities and questions.

We will meet virtually via Zoom. All participants may choose the degree to which they share - there is no expectation.

This may lead to an on-going class in the spring.


Cynthia Koppe & Anna Vomacka

Date + Time

Pause with us! WiseBodies is taking a short hiatus to begin deep, necessary work with our new Board, teaching staff, and administration. Our beloved classes will begin again in very early spring. Please sign up for our newsletter to learn more, and to stay engaged with us during this quiet time of reflection and rooting.

Registration + Cost

$100 - $200
Sliding Scale; Partial scholarships available depending on enrollment, priority given to LGBTQ + Black, Indigenous and People of the Global Majority. Payment plans available.

Email for more info.

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A Clearing | For Cis Men 45-70+
7:00 PM19:00

A Clearing | For Cis Men 45-70+



Martha Postlethwaite’s poem, The Clearing, provides an invitation to:

a clearing
in the dense forest
of your life
and wait there
until the song
that is your life
falls into your own cupped hands
and you recognize and greet it.
Only then will you know
how to give yourself to this world
so worthy of rescue.”

To all 45+ is your sexuality evolving and what’s your relationship to it? Join us to explore and discuss. This three hour gathering is an invitation to cis men to create a clearing, a clearing in the midst of the expectations, responsiblities and myths that surround and pressure cis men and their sexuality. In this space, 45+ year old, cis women hosts & sexuality educators will offer room to contemplate the nature of your ever-changing sexuality.

We will touch upon some anatomy, pertinent sex research, presence-focused practices, your experiences, curiosities, questions, and the discussions that arise from this. Upon registering you will receive a short questionnaire that will give you the opportunity to identify particular topics and questions.

Ultimately, this session is about exploring whole being sexuality, what you are wanting and desiring, what gets in the way, and what it looks like in your current life to embrace your sexuality in an empowering way. Whether you are experienced and comfortable in this realm or arrive unpracticed, this gathering is for you - it will allow for open and honest communication (to the degree you are comfortable) so that we language and honor this powerful aspect of identity.

We will meet virtually via Zoom. This is a non-touch gathering. All participants may choose the degree to which they share - there is no expectation.

This may lead to an on-going class in the spring.


Isa Coffey and Katherine Young

Date + Time

Pause with us! WiseBodies is taking a short hiatus to begin deep, necessary work with our new Board, teaching staff, and administration. Our beloved classes will begin again in very early spring. Please sign up for our newsletter to learn more, and to stay engaged with us during this quiet time of reflection and rooting.

Registration + Cost

$100 - $200
Sliding Scale; Partial scholarships available depending on enrollment, priority given to LGBTQ + Black, Indigenous and People of the Global Majority. Payment plans available.

Email for more info.

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Workshop: Moving for Pleasure
12:00 PM12:00

Workshop: Moving for Pleasure



This workshop is led by [Anna Vomacka & Cynthia Koppe][1]. In this day long workshop we will use movement to expand our sexual bodies, deepen our pleasure practices, and awaken to the erotic potential of life. We will spend the day moving between physical practices, conversation, watching, being witnessed, and playing.

Date + Time

The workshop is on April 17th, 2021, and will run from 12:00 - 8:00pm EST via Zoom with a two hour break between 4-6pm.

Registration + Cost

Registration costs $50–$150 on a sliding scale basis. Partial scholarships are available depending on enrollment, with priority given to LGBTQ + Black, Indigenous and People of the Global Majority. Payment plans are also available.

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ROOT 2020-2021: Sexuality for Adults
to Mar 21

ROOT 2020-2021: Sexuality for Adults



This 4-month class moves slowly and surely through the foundations of whole sexuality. Most of us have not grown up having the chance to really learn about our sexual selves. This 4 weekend workshop is a chance to make up for this.

In this intensive, students learn deeply about their sexual bodies; have an opportunity to gain ease with talking about anything and everything sexual; gain fluidity with sexual anatomy; learn some basics for making and using herbal preparations that can help nourish and strengthen the sexual body; practice exploring sensual healing self-massage; gain the practice of herbal pelvic bathing; and much, much more.


Taught by Isa Coffey, RN, Co-Director of WiseBodies


10 students required, 15 students max.

Dates + Time

We'll meet - via Zoom - the third weekend of the month for 4 weekends, mid-winter.

Fridays: 7 - 10 pm, 4 - 6pm Sundays: 11am - 2pm, 4 - 6pm (all times in EST)

  • December 18, 19, 20
  • January 15, 16, 17
  • February 19, 20, 21
  • March 19, 20, 21


Sliding Scale; Partial scholarships available depending on enrollment, priority given to LGBTQ + Black, Indigenous and People of the Global Majority. Payment plans available.


Participants will be responsible for the purchase of the plant material (all readily available materials, costing approximately $25) we’ll use for pelvic soaks. List given following registration.

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Beginning, Again and Again
to Apr 2

Beginning, Again and Again

For those of us 18 - 100 who’ve experienced sexual harm and want to hang out together, with a strong invitation for the LGBTQ community.

We’ll meet the first Thursday of every month, October 3, 2019 through April 2, 2020, 6:00 - 8:00pm. $15 an evening.

We’ll share a potluck supper, create stuff together (we’ll cook, sew, draw, write, sing...), talk about our lives, share our strategies for creating and holding pleasure, learn about our whole sexual bodies, talk about tools and techniques for healing our sexual bodies, laugh together, and grow ourselves into a community.

While this is not a therapy group, it is deeply therapeutic to be together, and to do this work, together.

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SEXED for 20-Somethings
to Jan 27

SEXED for 20-Somethings


A safe, whole-hearted workshop for people in their 20's who'd like to experience real, necessary, and potent sex education; who've found themselves curious or confused about sex; who'd like to develop tools for gaining sexual agency; who'd like to develop skill with sexual communication; who'd like to grow more comfortable with their own sexual bodies and the sexual bodies of others. All are welcome.

Dates + Time

Friday evenings in January 2017
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm EST
Chatham, NY
Sliding Scale $0-$150


Classes are held at WiseBodies in Chatham and are taught by long-time sexuality educator and WiseBodies Director, Isa Coffey, RN.


"This year I’ve been taking a class with Isa Coffey of WiseBodies, exploring what it means to be a rooted woman, how to claim and honor my sexuality, and learn to communicate with others (and myself) what fills me with sensual and erotic joy. I highly encourage people who are struggling or want to grow even more in their sexuality, or are just looking for an outlet for deep embodiment and increased self-awareness to consider joining." --S.C., current 20-something WiseBodies student

Email for more info.

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