This is the sex ed class for which your whole body - including your heart, your mind, and your soul - may be longing.
Throughout this 12 month class, we’ll move slowly toward developing a deeper erotic, a deeper sexual, self-knowledge. We’ll move slowly toward developing a more profound way of communicating with our own erotic selves, and with the erotic selves of others.
We’ll steadily create a trusted learning community within which we’ll work. This learning community might include strangers who will become close companions on our journey. It might include a lover. It might include a friend.
We’ll learn about our bodies. We’ll learn from our bodies.
We’ll learn about each other’s bodies. We’ll learn from each other’s bodies.
This class will be gentle, will move slowly, and often will be quiet. We’ll spend time listening, resting, sharing, moving, writing, and doing.
Some of what we’ll be doing will include deep learning about the anatomy of our sexual bodies. While we work, we’ll look for insight into possible pathways between our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. What we discover about our sexual bodies may be surprising.
This journey can be transformative.
This class may become important to you; it may become profoundly important.
Dates + Time
We meet the 2nd Monday of each month for one year, beginning in December of 2024 and ending in November of 2025.
7:00 - 9:00pm ET, via Zoom
Fall Semester 2024
Dec 9
Spring Semester 2025
Jan 13, Feb 10, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, Aug 11, Sept 8, Oct 13, Nov 10
Registration & Cost
Registration will close at 12 students. All adults (21+) are welcome. If you, like me, get anxious about being in class with folks who are different, maybe try it on. I've been trying it on, and am grateful for what I'm learning, and how I'm changing and growing.
$50 - $75 is the sliding scale per class, or $550 - $850 if paid in full before class begins, which offers a $50 discount. Partial scholarships will be available, depending on enrollment, with priority given to LGBTQ + Black, Indigenous and People of the Global Majority.
Some of the income will be shared with other organizations doing the esential work of now.
Materials A supplies list will be sent after registration. Total cost of supplies will be about $25.
Teacher: Isa Coffey
I’ve taught sex ed for decades, in many forms and in many venues. Recently, I’ve found myself curious about what we can learn about our sexual selves when we get very quiet; when we listen to, discover, and share the intimate stories of our bodies; when we have the chance to learn within trusted community; when we have the chance to remember and honor our past; when we develop pathways, including in the imaginal realm, for growing up and out from those deep, foundational places; when we give ourselves time to go slowly; when we are held with kindness and steadiness for the journey.
Photo by Katherine Ferrier
Questions I’m holding, listening to:
- Is it possible to leave behind the common forms we have for sex ed, the ways and topics we expect to learn, in order to find something new, maybe unexpected, maybe more central to our sexual selves?
- What can happen when we develop enough trust within a community of learners to reveal ourselves, and to listen to the revealed stories of others?
- Can we allow the richness of our shared stories to help guide us?
- What might surprise us when we have the chance to deeply explore our—whole—physical bodies?
- Is there a sexual soul? What might it have to teach us?
- What happens when we become our own sexual wise elder?
- What happens when, as a group, we become our collective sexual wise elder?
- What is sex, really? How might sex guide us in ways that may be important for our wholeness?