WiseBodies is going to run a test project to see if it’s possible to decrease sexual violence in our small, local communities by having WiseBodies’ trained sex educators - all men (trans and cis) - learn how to teach boys, teen boys, and men WiseBodies whole sexuality education. We'll place our students and our graduates in local schools, community centers, community programs, and at WiseBodies, where they'll offer what has not been offered before: WiseBodies whole sexuality education for boys and men, taught by men. Over time we'll see if this helps reduce sexual violence within our communities.
We understand this is as a long-term project.
We understand having men take on the responsibility for decreasing sexual violence by becoming sex ed teachers may be a new concept.
We understand that girls and women always have bourne the brunt of sexual violence. We understand that girls and women also always have bourne the responsibility for preventing sexual violence. Imagine with us the possibility of changing this, of having men take on the responsibility for ending sexual violence.
We hope you'll join us in this endeavor. This could include signing up to be a student, donating money for this project, and also simply sending us letters of support. We'd love to know our community is with us as we take this on!
We’ll meet weekly via zoom and once-a-month in-person (Kingston, N.Y.).
Dates + Time
This course is a two-year program. The first year includes classroom learning, the second year includes supervised teaching in educational settings.
A pre-admittance interview is required.
Transmen and cis men welcome, of course.
Registration + Cost
We're working on this.
Some of the income WiseBodies receives from tuition will go to a kid, teen, or adult who's been raped, for their on-going care.
Max 6 - 8 students.
If you find you're curious to know more, or are interested in joining us, be in touch by email to wisebodies@wisebodies. org. We'll look forward to hearing from you.
Class will be taught by Isa, who is skilled with the chop saw, and very skilled at teaching whole sex ed.
Isa has taught sex ed for decades, in many forms and in many venues. Recently, she's found herself curious about what we can learn about our sexual selves when we get very quiet; when we listen to, discover, and share the intimate stories of our bodies; when we have the chance to learn within trusted community; when we have the chance to remember and honor our past; when we develop pathways, including in the imaginal realm, for growing up and out from those deep, foundational places; when we give ourselves time to go slowly; when we are held with kindness and steadiness for the journey.