We are resting this Fall and returning Early Spring

Upon deep reflection, Isa, sára, Kole, the WiseBodies Board have recognized that WiseBodies—at this moment of beginning our 10 year mark—needs to take this fall semester as a time to let our fields be fallow.

What this means is that, except for our Circle Class, we are going to pause all fall semester classes and workshops.

We are going to pause so the administration and the Board can take the time we need to rest, regroup, rethink, and reimagine who and how we are as an organization.

All our wonderful classes and workshops will shift their start dates to February, 2022.

Our school and staff will spend these fall and early winter weeks resting, and growing our deep, internal, autumnal roots, roots that will become good fodder for beginning again in the very early spring.

We imagine, and hope, that those in our community who are in need of deep rest and more "time," may welcome this time as an opportunity.

Please know that during these quiet weeks when the administration and Board will be in steady behind-the-scenes work mode, we also will continue to be here for you. Isa will be available to answer your questions via email and phone, and will continue to offer private guidance and counseling. You can reach her at wisebodies@wisebodies.org. Isa and Sima will be guiding our amazing Circle kids and families every Wednesday afternoon. WiseBodies will be like a beehive in winter, looking very quiet from the outside, and on the inside steadily keeping the center of WiseBodies warm, nourished, and growing.

With love,