
WiseBodies Leader Shante Melville on WGXC


A week ago I was lucky enough to go on the air with Keiran Riley at WGXC, our local radio station. Being able to represent WiseBodies was such a pleasurable and fun experience, partly because I'm 16 and being on the radio is kind of a big deal to me, and also because I love Keiran, who's one of the hosts of the Afternoon Show on WGXC.

You can listen to a recording of the interview here!

I reached out to Keiran in the hopes of promoting the Tender and Tough class here at WiseBodies, talk about what it's like being an LGBTQIA2+ teenager during these times, the history of the LGBTQIA2+ community, and the ongoing fight to be recognized and treated the same as everyone else.

We, the younger generation, are fighting for our futures as individuals as well as a collective. From getting and keeping access to safe abortions, to ending violence against trans BIPOC, to stopping climate change, there are so many challenges that we face. And that is why community is even more vital during these tumultuous times. Creating support, comradery and a space to grow as individuals is our goal. And by jove, we’re doing it!

Seeing the connection that has formed over only 3 classes is exhilarating. We’ve talked about the struggles of being deadnamed, created mutual class agreements as well as bonded over our love of cloaks.

Who can say what the following weeks will bring — but I have no doubt we will succeed in everything we have dreamed.

Let me end with a quote I said on the air. “A lot of teenagers, myself included, want to fit in. And a very important part of self identity and discovering yourself is realizing: “I don't need to fit in, I'm too awesome for that! I get to stand out, I get to be extraordinary, and I get to be wholly myself."”

Shante Melville, Co-Leader
WiseBodies Queer Teens Group