Join us for an Introductory Evening for CircleBee, our brand-new sexuality class for 6th/7th - 8th/9th graders and their families!

This September, WiseBodies offers CircleBee, a brand-new, whole-being sexuality class for families with children in the 6th/7th - 8th/9th grades.
In response to the motion toward a non-gender binary world, WiseBodies no longer hosts classes for "girls" and "boys", but rather classes for all.
To learn about, and register for CircleBee, a year-long class for families with children in the 6th/7th - 8th/9th grades, please join us for an Orientation evening on Tuesday, August 23rd, from 6:30 - 8:00pm, here at WiseBodies in Chatham.
We'll enjoy tea and desserts, learning about this year's curriculum, and exploring WiseBodies-style educational games. We'll all go home having learned something new!
CircleBee will meet Tuesday afternoons from 3:30 - 5:30 pm, beginning September 20th.
RSVP required! Please contact Isa at We hope to see you here Tuesday, August 23rd, at 6:30pm!