In This Circle Summer Tea for Girls and their Mothers!

“WiseBodies is a wonderful after-school class that teaches the mind, body, and soul to work as one. The atmosphere is calm, controlled, focused, safe, and learning friendly….” Emily, 13

In This Circle Summer Tea for Girls and their Mothers

In This Circle is a year-long teen girls’ coming-of-age class, for girls 12 - 15 years old, and their mothers. We meet Wednesday afternoons, October through May, in Chatham, NY.

To give you a chance to experience what In This Circle is like, we are hosting a Summer Tea for Girls and their Mothers, Wednesday, September 29th, 4:00 - 5:30 pm

You’ll be able to meet In This Circle girls (for many girls, September will be the beginning of their third year!); meet their mothers; meet Isa, the teacher; see the classrooms; and have an experience of what class is like.

Please visit our website,
For questions, and to RSVP, please call Isa at 518-821-9676 or email her at

“...I wish all kids had this kind of safe, wholesome and nourishing environment to learn about sex!”
Sarah, mother of three girls who attend WiseBodies classes