Something magical happened in Science and The Body class, in June.
During the previous few weeks of May, the children and I moved through uncertainty about how we'd manage to say good-bye to our beloved year together, to doing just that.
In the process we faced and named anxiety, sorrow, and uncertainty.
We also named pride for what we'd created together, love for one-another, and excitement about the new classes we'll join come September.
The first week of June, Science and The Body children and I spent our very last day of class writing poetry together on our refrigerator door. We took one poem with us out into the woods, into the rain.
We climbed to our special spot in the woods, and practiced saying our poem together. When we had it memorized, we stood in a circle, held hands, and called it out to our forest, to our rain, and to ourselves.
We felt ready to let go, to welcome what's coming next.