Science Kids and Turkeys

It's that time of year, almost 3 months into our school year, when kids have become such a rooted, connected, generous gang, that they can begin to take more responsibility for what and how we learn.

Here's an example: When we wrote our haiku this week, one child volunteered to be "the teacher", another to the "the scribe". I sat back.

While I sat back and observed, the children wrote, not one, but two haiku.

Here's one:

The turkey gets stuffed.

We are grateful for many things.

We also get stuffed.

The children report these are their favorite poems thus far.

In this week of thanks, we gave thanks. And, rather than painting, the children requested cozy time with reading-aloud.

While they cozied together in pillows and blankets, I read aloud The Gardener.

I can say, because we've spoken this aloud, that all of us are grateful for the time we share together.