A forever beloved WiseBodies class, our first Circle Class graduates now are first-year college students!
This year-long class is for trans and cis girls, and gender non-conforming kids, 9 - 13 years old, with age-flexibility.
The leaders of this class are Sima Kamaamia and Isa Coffey. Sima joins us from Nairobi, Kenya, and Isa from the WiseBodies home base in Chatham, New York.
Class Dates & Times
Fall Semester (Enrollment closed)
October 5th, 2020 through December 14th, 2020
Spring Semester (Enrollment open now!)
February 1st, 2021 through April 19th, 2021
There are now two Circle groups you can join!
You can join our Circle Class either on Mondays or Wednesdays from 4 to 5:30 PM EST.
This year we’ll meet on Zoom, so if you live at a distance, it will be easy to be with us this year! An unexpected gift of COVID-19.
About the Class
At WiseBodies, we know our place is to help families talk more easily and openly about the whole body, including the sexual body. To help parents — who we know usually were not offered whole sexuality education — fill in their own learning, we offer a parents’ class each semester. Also, we strongly encourage all parents to join their children for the last 15 minutes of each class. We want you to go home with your kids, able to continue the conversation with comfort and good humor.
In CIRCLE class, students and their parents
- build community
- learn about our bodies in relation to the natural world, in particular how closely connected our bodies are to flowering plants
- learn how easy it can be to normalize learning about, and talking about plant’s sexual parts
- develop vocabulary for, and ease with, talking about the whole human body, including human sexual anatomy
- learn how cool and normal our bodies are
- deeply learn the anatomy of the human sexual system
- make whole the “reproductive” and “sexual” systems
- learn about “cycling,” including all phases of the monthly cycle experienced by bodies with ovaries
- learn about cycling in relation to the moon
- recognize the deep similarities/interrelationships between what we’ve called the “female” and “male” sexual/reproductive systems
- familiarize and normalize “trans,” “ngb,” and “cis”
- play games!
- practice creating and holding safe body space
- recognize the body’s natural response when feeling safe, and the body’s natural response when feeling unsafe
- develop strategies for communication with identified, trustworthy adults following the breech of safe body space
- develop ease with clear and open communication about our human bodies
- develop increased ease and good humor when talking about the whole body with peers and with parents/family members/teachers
- recognize the developing internal and external strength that comes with whole body education, and in particular with including the sexual body in our whole body knowledge
- and, post-covid-19, when we are again able to be together in person, we will prepare and enjoy meals for one-another; explore the natural world; make art; sew; and enjoy social gatherings including film nights, field trips, and participation in the Pride Parade
The Pad Project
In addition to the above, CIRCLE kids have started a project called The Pad Project, in which we are studying the environmental impact of products used for cycling, the way pads are marketed for cis girls, the lack of attention to products for our youngest cyclers, and the lack of attention paid for trans cyclers.
In response, we are designing and sewing pads for cis girls, trans boys, and ngb kids who cycle. These pads will be sold in our local towns to raise money for several projects students will identify, including a long-term project led by Sima.
Sima’s project will include — once COVID-19 has passed — distributing pads to girls in Kenyan villages while also teaching cycling, pelvic health and pregnancy prevention. Eventually Sima will host a group of Kenyan girls who will learn alongside girls in the US. We will have a cross-Atlantic CIRCLE class.
CIRCLE Class is a really good place to be right now. Join us!
Class Cost
CIRCLE class costs $350 per semester. Scholarships are available. Extra financial donations always are very welcome.
Sign Up
Please email wisebodies@wisebodies.org to get more info and request an application!